Give Smart Give Safe

Updated for Ramadan 2024: Now in it’s fourth year, download the latest Give Smart Give Safe guidance and our 3-point Checklist (multiple languages available): Give Smart Give Safe 2024 – Muslim Charities Forum Give Smart Give Safe 2023: For the third year, MCF are raising awareness with donors… Read More

Updated for Ramadan 2024:

Now in it’s fourth year, download the latest Give Smart Give Safe guidance and our 3-point Checklist (multiple languages available):

Give Smart Give Safe 2024 – Muslim Charities Forum

Give Smart Give Safe 2023:

For the third year, MCF are raising awareness with donors and supporters about how you can give smartly and safely this Ramadan.

Are you sure that your donations really reach those in need?

How do you check on a charity’s effectiveness?

Is your donation secure and risk-free?

Is the charity being run efficiently?

And is it making a difference?

These are the questions and more we are asking donors to consider this Ramadan. Each year, all year round but particularly during the month of Ramadan, thousands of British Muslims give millions of pounds in Zakat and Sadaqah to charitable causes both within the UK and abroad.

But with giving, comes responsibility too! And donors have their part to play. You can ensure that you strive for ‘ihsaan’ (excellence) in your giving this year by conducting quick and simple checks before you donate.

” The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” (Qur’an 2:261)

Your money is a precious rizq from Allah (swt). Protect your donations and put them to the best use for the sake of those who in need and for the sake of Allah (swt).

Discover our Give Smart Give Safe campaign and share with your family and friends to ensure you give smartly and safely this Ramadan.



MCF, The Charity Commission and The Fundraising Regulator issue advice to Muslim donors

Welcome to the MCF Give Smart Give Safe video series!

Join us on a journey of discovery as we learn and spread awareness about giving smartly and safely during Ramadan.